Massaging the dents or crease out of your car using metal rods. This is the most common method.
Glue pulling. This is to decrease large dents quickly or used when access from behind is not available, i.e. in the rail of a car or in double panels. We have different sized plastic tabs that stick to your car and we then attach a slide hammer or lifter to it and raise the dent by pulling on it. This is usually then left as a high spot which is then tapped down and repeated until it is flush.
Hot box. This method is used for panels that cannot be accessed from behind, it is an inverter which puts heats into the metal and shrinks until it is again raised so that we can tap it down flush.
Blending hammers. This method is used to blend the metal through the process of hammering on the panel which resonates and uses the shock of the panel being struck to manoeuvre the metal back into shape.